

5x GRANDFATHER: Henry Pitson born circa 1720

5x GRANDMOTHER: Elizabeth nee Andrews born circa 1720

4x GRANDFATHER: Thomas Pitson born circa 1752

4x GRANDMOTHER: Mary nee Bourton born circa 1753

3x GRANDFATHER: William born circa 1786

3x GRANDMOTHER: Ann nee Merryman born circa 1785


2x GRANDFATHER: CHARLES born circa 1821

2x GRANDMOTHER: Mary Ann nee Polden born circa 1825


G GRANDFATHER: George William Pitson born circa 1850

G GRANDMOTHER: Charlotte nee Stacey born circa 1853

GRANDFATHER: Samuel Pitson born 07 10 1885

GRANDMOTHER: Ada nee Gurr born 15 04 1885


  • Alan married Dorothy six children Alan, Maurice, Pat, Colin, Michael and Avril
  • Harold married Anne two children Arthur and Patricia
  • Connie married George one child Robin
  • Cyril married Kay three children Colin, Sonia and Anita
  • Molly married Frank one child Keith
  • Arthur married Constance two children Trevor and Denese?



GG GRANDFATHER: Richard Ford born circa 1848

GG GRAND MOTHER: Amy nee Young born circa 1848


G GRANDMOTHER: Agnes nee Ford born circa 1867

GRANDFATHER: Edward Thompson born circa 1868

GRANDMOTHER: Lois nee Ford born circa 1888


Harold an Ex territorial was sent to France but was killed on the LANCASTRIA at the time of the Dunkirk evacuation leaving his wife with twins.

Arthur volunteered for France and was evacuated from DUNKIRK. He went on to serve in the Middle East and was in NORMANDY on D Day. He later died from an illness contracted abroad.

Alan Samuel Thomas was in the Tank Corp (later RTC) from 1924. At the outbreak of the war was transferred to the RASC and sent to France. Evacuated from DUNKIRK and transferred to E A A S C (East African Army Service Corps). Went to school in NAIROBI passed his exams as an interpreter in Kiswahili. Promoted to W/O then on to CEYLON, INDIA and BURMA.  Given DUNKIRK medal much later.

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